Friday, January 9, 2009

The 25th Annual Causeway Walk/Run - Preparation

The moon in the daytime sky looked so beautiful I had to try and capture it for you.

The palm tree fronds frame the moon in majestic tropical tranquility.

It was so beautiful, it seemed wrong to be inside.

Youth should be carefree and full of laughter.

This year, thanks to the generosity of my boss, I will be able to participate in the walk/run over the bridge from Port Isabel to South Padre Island. I registered yesterday.

This came in my little goodie bag.

I am going to pop one of those little babies, put on the theme to the "Six Million Dollar Man" and leave smoke behind me. I also plan to trade pieces of cake to other weight-challenged people like me in exchange for their energy capsules. This is a cake I made last night that I turned upside down so you could see the golden brown perfection that was its base.

I am going to make a trail of little plates with cake on them and make a detour so everyone can go off on the wrong course and I can win. That wouldn't work, I would be the first one distracted and enchanted by the irresistable cake and be the first one to end up at the Coral Reef wondering how I placed. I hope you take the time to sign up today for this fun event and join us in the 72 degree weather. A cold front will come through but since there are so many people from up north who can bear 10 degree weather, I don't think they will even flinch. I will be the freak you see wrapped in a blanket over my coat and long-johns, drinking hot chocolate instead of water. Such is life.

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